Take the DS back plate and file down the two notches on each side of the legacy cartridge slot. 把DS拿回来碟子而且申请下来在遗赠物弹药筒水沟的每边上的二个刻痕。
Theproducts include: screen family, chair family, log family, plate type family, sofa and teapot family, steel file cabinet family and so on. 生产产品包括:屏风系列、座椅系列、原木系列、板式系列、沙发茶几系列、钢制文件柜系列等。
Pull his license plate from his file. 从他的档案里调出牌照。
Use plate picture processing software to export figures or input the graphics file directly to printing machine to print; 利用平面图像处理软件输出图形或者将图形文件直接输入到印刷机进行印刷;
In order to meet the need of FEM analysis for plate and shell structure, a 3D solid model is output by STL file. 针对板壳结构有限元分析的需要,将商用CAD软件生成的板壳结构的三维实体模型用STL文件格式输出。